
Message from the Chairs

Message from the Chairs

The EPSRC UK-RAS (Robotics and Autonomous Systems) Network was established in 2015 and since its formation, it has provided academic and administrative leadership that has helped transform the UK’s robotics research landscape.

Recognising the continued importance of robotics research, the EPSRC have agreed to support UK-RAS for an additional 3-years, enabling it to expand current RAS activities with a focus on three key areas: 

• Identifying, establishing and strengthening new fundamental research into RAS: We will drive forward low TRL (technology readiness level) research opportunities.
• Internationalisation of RAS: We will connect the UK to overseas networks and individuals, with the aim of influencing world-wide policy. 
• Enabling Early Career Researchers (ECRs): We will develop the right environments and support to enable UK ECRs to become world leading academics. 

The Network aims to continue stimulating collaboration and innovation to ensure that the UK’s world-class fundamental and applied robotics research continues to flourish.  On behalf of myself and the executive committee, we look forward to working with you and leveraging the existing investment and international centres of excellence to accelerate the future development of RAS in the UK.

Prof. Barry Lennox
Chair, UK-RAS Network

Prof. Andrew Weightman
Co-Chair, UK-RAS Network