Does Expression of Grounded Affect in a Hexapod Robot Elicit More Prosocial Responses?
Title: Does Expression of Grounded Affect in a Hexapod Robot Elicit More Prosocial Responses?
Authors: Luke Hickton (EECAIA Lab, ASRG, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. Hertfordshire); Matthew Lewis (EECAIA Lab, ASRG, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. Hertfordshire); Kheng L. Koay (ASRG, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. Hertfordshire); Lola Canamero (EECAIA Lab, ASRG, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. Hertfordshire);
Year: 2020
Citation: Hickton, L., Lewis, M., Koay, K. L., Canamero, L., (2020). Does Expression of Grounded Affect in a Hexapod Robot Elicit More Prosocial Responses?. UKRAS20 Conference: “Robots into the real world” Proceedings, 40-42. doi: 10.31256/Hz3Ww4T
We consider how non-humanoid robots can commu- nicate their affective state via bodily forms of communication, and the extent to which this can influence human response. We propose a simple model of grounded affect and kinesic expression and outline two experiments (N=9 and N=180) in which participants were asked to watch expressive and non- expressive hexapod robots perform different ‘scenes’. Our pre- liminary findings suggest the expressive robot stimulated greater desire for interaction, and was more likely to be attributed with emotion. It also elicited more desire for prosocial behaviour.