Simulation of Fire fighter swarm robotics in MATLAB and robot e-puck2 development

Simulation of Fire fighter swarm robotics in MATLAB and robot e-puck2 development

Title: Simulation of Fire fighter swarm robotics in MATLAB and robot e-puck2 development
Authors: Jiacheng Chen (Sheffield Hallam University); Lyuba Alboul (Sheffield Hallam University); Ningrong Lei (Sheffield Hallam University);
Year: 2022
Citation: Chen, J., Alboul, L., Lei, N., (2022). Simulation of Fire fighter swarm robotics in MATLAB and robot e-puck2 development. UKRAS22 Conference “Robotics for Unconstrained Environments” Proceedings, 30-31. doi: 10.31256/Ei2Ak4A

swarm robot


Abstract—Robots are one of the most useful tools created by humans, which can replace humans for tasks such as exploration and search and rescue. In daily life, people often encounter fires. By using robots for firefighting work, the damage of fires to firefighters can be greatly reduced. We proposed a 2D simulation environment to test the functionalities of robots, using artificial potential field method to avoid obstacles. At the same time, the algorithm is combined with the actual robot, and the test will be carried out after updating the control system of e-puck2.

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