Effect of Head Movements on Robotic Fish Swimming Efficiency

Effect of Head Movements on Robotic Fish Swimming Efficiency

Title: Effect of Head Movements on Robotic Fish Swimming Efficiency
Authors: Robert Sterling (Aberystwyth University); Otar Akanyeti (Aberystwyth University);
Year: 2022
Citation: Sterling, R., Akanyeti, O., (2022). Effect of Head Movements on Robotic Fish Swimming Efficiency. UKRAS22 Conference “Robotics for Unconstrained Environments” Proceedings, 66-67. doi: 10.31256/Sf3Pk7A

Robotic fish
head movement


Abstract—The use and effect of deliberate head movements in fish have not been extensively studied, possibly due to the long-held assumption that this motion is a recoil effect from undulatory tail movements. Recent findings from fish experiments and numerical simulations suggest that correct phase and amplitude regulation of head movements can improve swimming efficiency, as well as provide advantages to other physiological systems within the fish. However, these findings have yet to
tested on fish robots, which are useful testing platforms allowing
systematic exploration of effect of head movements via accurate
measurements of thrust production and energy expenditure. This paper presents a research plan and preliminary design of an untethered fish robot to study whether deliberate head movements can improve swimming efficiency.

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